16th International Congress of Photobiology
The Congress will address all areas of Photobiology such as photosensors in Archaea, Bacteria and Eucaria, photosynthesis including antennas and reaction centres, photomovement, photomorphogenesis, cryptochromes, LOV, BLUF and retinal proteins and domains, vision, circadian rhythms, environmental photobiology, UV influence on plankton, UV damage, protection and repair of DNA, photoreceptors in extremophiles (at high altitudes and in the Antarctic and Arctic regions), photoaging, photocarcinogenesis, photomedicine, synthetic and natural photosensitizers, photodynamic therapy, PUVA, vitiligo, molecular basis of the medical uses of lamps and lasers, artificial tanning, optogenetics, optical technology, photophysics and photochemistry of natural compounds, modelling photosynthesis with man-made compounds, and others. Sessions will be organized in several of these areas.
Cordoba, Argentina. 8-12 September 2014. Official webpage Link